Spanning from English and computer college level classes being offered at John F. Kennedy’s apparent center, parents are being supported and educated by professors from LA Mission college in order to help students transition throughout different grade levels.
The goal of these classes is to engage parents who are not well informed on the matter of student education so that they may help their children. These classes also help parents to learn how to use technology and learn English.
Parents Center coordinator Maria Zapata stated, “The participating parents are going to begin their third semester of classes starting with their GED, [generalized education development class] after Winter Break. These classes help parents learn English, and technology in college level computer classes.”
Classes are taught by professors at Los Angeles Mission College and are occurring throughout the week, offering different available classes with a current attendance rate of around twenty-three parents.
The Parent’s Center also hosts workshops on Wednesdays to help parents understand the district requirements, which are required to graduate in order to help connect the bridge between the parents and the students.
John F Kennedy’s principal Oscar Vazquez meets with the parents during coffee with the principal to discuss certain events that are happening at school and to ensure that the parents are aware of what activities that the school is participating in.