Tutor.com is a website that students can use to ask for assistance in terms of their schoolwork. Tutor.com is able to provide 1-to-1 online tutoring sessions in both English and Spanish.
Tutor.com manages to provide this type of assistance to students by partnering with colleges and universities, K-12 schools, and districts.
If a student from any grade level is struggling to stay on top of the classroom, then the student can go to Tutor.com and get free tutoring, depending on if the district that the student is in provides it for free, like LAUSD.
The subjects that Tutor.com can provide assistance with range widely, from AP subjects, math, writing and reading, world languages, and much more.
Tutoring takes place online, in an online classroom, and if the student does not have time to sit down and be in the online classroom, then the student can download the mobile app the company has provided for students, Tutor.com.
Learners can also connect with a tutor or utilize their drop-off review services in their app.
The tutors that Tutor.com are able to provide for students are highly qualified. The process of becoming a tutor for Tutor.com includes an education verification and multiple background checks.
On top of that process, tutors have to pass a subject matter exam and complete an interview. To ensure the student is getting the best type of education, Tutor.com has a specialist team that constantly reviews sessions to ensure that their tutors are always providing the highest quality of tutoring.
If students are worried that their sessions aren’t safe, Tutor.com ensures that your safety is important, and does not share your personal information with any of your tutors or with anyone. The student’s sessions are anonymous and secure.
Tutor.com’s mission is to make sure every student deserves a personal tutor because every student deserves to be successful in their life. “Instill hope, advance equity, and catalyze achievement in schools and communities,” Tutor.com believes.